Ayahuasca Vs Peyote: What’s The Difference Between The Two, Which Is Better?

Ayahuasca and peyote both contain psychoactive properties and have been used in treating various health conditions for thousands of years. But what is the difference between these two medicinal and psychoactive plants?

People may confuse ayahuasca and peyote because they both make you feel high, just like other psychedelic drugs like LSD. Also, even if they have tons of similarities and effects on the brain, they are still very different. For more information you can check out our homepage.

Although both are hallucinogens, they offer different experiences.

In this article, we will explore both peyote and ayahuasca psychedelics. We will also compare their side effects, active ingredients, and the other elements in them to help you understand why people often seek them for healing and decide which is a better choice for your condition.

What Is Ayahuasca? Active Ingredients, Uses & Side Effects

What is Ayahuasca?

So, what is ayahuasca? Ayahuasca is a brew made from two plants — leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub and Banisteriopsis caapi vine.

Ayahuasca tea is used for spiritual and religious purposes by ancient Amazonian tribes and religious communities in Brazil and South America, including the Santo Daime.

Traditionally, ayahuasca ceremonies are led by a shaman or curandero — an experienced healer. The shaman drinks the ayahuasca tea in religious traditions for spiritual diagnosis, healing, and clairvoyant. Today, its popularity has gone worldwide and many people want to drink the tea to help them with drug and alcohol addiction, substance abuse, mental illness and depression.

Active Ingredient

Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew from South America. It is a psychedelic and entheogenic mixed drink made of Banisteriopsis caapi vine and Psychotria Viridis shrub.

It has two active ingredients — MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor)(1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoamine_oxidase_inhibitor and DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine)(2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N,N-Dimethyltryptamine B. caapi contains several alkaloids that act as MAOI, which are required for DMT to be orally active. Psychotria Viridis shrub contains the primary psychoactive DMT.

How Does It Work

Both plants used in ayahuasca have hallucinogenic properties. The leaves of the P. viridis plant contain N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT)(3)https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/306889.php, a strong psychedelic compound.

The B. caapi vine contains MAO inhibitors (MAOIs) called beta-carbolines. MAOIs stop the body from breaking down DMT, which allows the psychedelic effects to materialize.

DMT naturally occurs in the human body and is normally digested in the stomach if consumed. MAOI like tetrahydroharmine, harmine and harmaline is needed to allow it to reach the brain, thus the use of the vine.

People ingest ayahuasca as a brew or tea.

How Long Do Ayahuasca Effects Last?

When ingested, the effects of ayahuasca can be felt between 20 to 60 minutes after the oral intake. However, the effects may last up to 8 hours or so.

Side-Effects and Interactions

When taken by mouth, ayahuasca contains chemical compositions and could be unsafe that it can alter one’s state of consciousness, which many refer to as a “high” state. Its side-effects are characterized by the following:

• Euphoria
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Hallucinations
• Increased heart rate
• Increased blood pressure
• Upset stomach
• Diarrhea
• Paranoia
• Anxiety
• Panic
• Tremors
• Dilated pupils

According to Newport Academy(4)https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/substance-abuse/ayahuasca/#, researchers found no evidence that DMT in ayahuasca causes physical dependence or addiction. Users do not develop a tolerance for the drug.

However, the long term effects of the ayahuasca trip can be disturbing and may require therapy to address fear, confusion and disorientation associated with disturbances.

Precautions and Warnings

Those with a history of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar are advised to avoid ayahuasca as it could worsen symptoms of mania. It’s also recommended for one to avoid the same herbal medicine when taking antidepressants, medication for Parkinson’s disease, cough medicines, weight loss medications, and other drugs that might react negatively to the substance.

Scientists believe that drinking ayahuasca tea increases the activity in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is involved in body awareness, feelings, and processing of emotional information. So, it is not advisable for one to take ayahuasca while taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a common category of antidepressants. Combining the two will produce a massive amount of serotonin that may result in serotonin overdoes or serotonin syndrome.

In addition, pregnant and breastfeeding moms are also warned against taking ayahuasca because it can cause hallucination and other serious side effects that might be toxic to the fetus.

History of Ayahuasca

This South American hallucinogenic brew has a long history of ritual use among indigenous groups of the upper Amazon.

It is made from the stem of the ayahuasca vine
(Banisteriopsis caapi, or in Quechua, “the vine of the ancestors”) and the leaves of either the chacruna (Psychotria viridis) or chagropanga (Diplopterys cabrerana).

Indigenous groups like Shuar of Ecuador, the Shipibo of Peru, and various Tukano groups in Colombia maintain the ritual use of the sacred plant. Ayahuasca has multiple uses in collective ceremonies and the traditional realm. It is also used in warfare, divination, artistic inspiration and as the main theme of cultural narratives.

Ayahuasca is strongly associated with healing. For healing, it is used for identifying illnesses and fighting animated agents of illness.

In shamanic journeys, it is used to restore the lost soul, extract pathogenic objects, and access information from the unseen realms.

In recent years, the world has already discovered the potential of ayahuasca and the use has shifted significantly from the traditional use of the locals. Non-Amazonians are drawn to substances like ayahuasca for healing mental illnesses.

Hilario Chiriap, a Shuar shaman from Ecuador, predicted that “white people are using ayahuasca and are going to use ayahuasca in the future; therefore we should at least teach them to use it properly.”

Ayahuasca Preparation

Ayahuasca is not for everyone and a participant should be prepared physically and mentally before they try it. Even the indigenous people prepare for ayahuasca ceremonies.

They follow ayahuasca preparation and suggests avoiding certain food and recommends flavorless food limiting one’s salt and sugar intake. They also avoid spices, including hot peppers, onions and garlic.

Some of the foods to avoid in ayahuasca diet are pork, red meat, aged cheeses, fermented foods, processed foods, and alcohol prior to the ceremony. Those who plan to take the ayahuasca usually prepare weeks before the actual ceremony.

Aside from preparing the body, one has to be clear-headed. The indigenous people prepare themselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually days before the retreat by taking the time to be alone.

They nurture their solitude and seek the help of the plants. Some participants do yoga or meditate to strengthen their mental capacity because when one is under the spell of the plant, the experience can be overwhelming.

Several said they felt like they died and were born again. Others claimed to revisit their old trauma and a few said they encountered a demon and other horrible creatures when they were high.
But before anything else, you should first set your intention because it will play a crucial role in your ayahuasca experience. When under the influence of ayahuasca, you will likely see unexplainable visions, hear various sounds, and even encounter new beings and other out-of-this-world experiences.

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Uses of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca tea is used differently before and at present. Years ago, only the indigenous tribes used it. The traditional culture utilizes it to communicate with nature and the spiritual world.

They use the substance for clairvoyance to determine what causes one to be sick at the spiritual level. In the Native American Church, people may use the tea who participate in the ceremony as they sing, chant and drift into a trance.

More and more people were intrigued by the mind-altering substance because it can help one overcome fears and explore the possibility of their capabilities. Today, many people often use them to address alcohol and drug abuse, substance abuse, anxiety, depression and other health problems because DMT makes them feel happier, healthier and better.

Ayahuasca Ceremony

Ayahuasca ceremony was traditionally performed with a shaman to interact with the spirit world. The shamans serve as intermediaries between the human world and the invisible spirit world.

Shamans are usually community leaders and they also serve as medicine men. They are wise, pure and influential.

The ceremony usually involves drinking ayahuasca tea. Traditionally, only shamans consume ayahuasca, so they could communicate with the spirits, do magic divination, gain clairvoyance and make a diagnosis.

However, the use of ayahuasca eventually evolved. The Native American Church uses ayahuasca as a sacred medicine. All the members consume the tea sacramentally. Santo Daime, a Brazilian religion, uses the DMT substance because they believe that it enhances their interaction with the supernatural world and gives them spiritual enlightenment.

Today, there are churches that offer ayahuasca ceremonies not just for religious encounters but also for healing. Many individuals join ayahuasca retreats to free themselves from trauma, drug and alcohol addiction, depression, and anxiety.

Following the ayahuasca boom, thousands of foreigners travel to Peru and neighboring countries for new-age healing.

Ayahuasca is a psychedelic drug that tears down one’s emotional barrier. It could help people see themselves or others in a brand new way leading to improvement, growth, healing and even freedom.

What is Peyote? Active Ingredients, Uses & Side Effects

What is Peyote

Peyote is a small, spineless and button-shaped cactus. It contains psychoactive alkaloids or potent compounds, including mescaline(5)https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/mescaline.

And yes, just like ayahuasca it is used for religious ceremonies and it causes hallucinations. It is also used to treat various health conditions, including fevers, wounds, and joint pain.

Active Ingredient

Peyote’s active ingredient is the hallucinogen mescaline. Peyote has been used by indigenous people in Northern Mexico and the southwestern United States as part of religious rites. Mescaline can be extracted from peyote or produced synthetically.

How Does It Work

Peyote’s active ingredient mescaline produces psychedelic effects. Mescaline causes hallucinogenic effects by stimulating serotonin and dopamine receptors in the central nervous system.

Mescaline interacts with 5-HT2A receptors which pertain to how the body uses serotonin. Classic hallucinogens like LSD and psilocybin mushrooms also target the same receptors

It results in mystical feelings similar to what people feel when they take LSD, which is 4000 times more potent than mescaline in producing an altered state of consciousness.

This cactus plant from Mexico can be ingested in several ways. One can eat it raw by chewing the dried crowns. It can also be boiled to make tea. Some use this and produce capsules.

History of Peyote

The peyote cactus, or Lophophora williamsii grow predominantly in Mexico and southern parts of the United States.

It has been known among Native Americans for its hallucinatory properties for thousands of years.

This medicinal plant also holds a sacred place in over 40 tribes in North America and Western Canada that still use it in religious ceremonies until today. They use the cactus as a sacred item sort of communion or religious sacrament.

However, the way how it is used may vary from tribe to tribe with some using meditation, chanting, or various cleansing ceremonies.

How Long Do Peyote Effects Last?

Peyote is a relatively long-acting drug. The effects of mescaline on the brain can be felt between 20 to 90 minutes after ingestion. Some people experience it for up to 12 hours.

The intensity and experience of peyote’s effects depend on various factors, including the amount of peyote consumed, user’s mood, personality, surroundings and expectations of the trip.

A good trip can be enjoyable, may offer mental stimulation and cause a feeling of heightened insight. On the other hand, a “bad trip” can be horrifying and may lead to anxiety, despair, fear of loss of control, madness or death.


The side effects of peyote usually happen within two hours and may vary depending on the dosage taken and whether the person has taken or used any other substance. Its side effects include the following:

• Fever
• Chills
• Headaches
• Numbness
• Tension
• Shivering
• Increased heart rate
• Dilated pupils
• Shaking
• Dizziness
• Muscle weakness
• Increased blood pressure
• Excessive sweating
• Flushed or red skin
• Lack of coordination
• Impaired judgment
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Increased body temperature
• Altered perception of vision and colors
• Altered perception of body in space and time
• Hallucinations
• Loss of touch with reality
• Inability to focus or concentrate

Precautions and Warnings

People with mental health problems are discouraged from taking peyote because they are more likely to experience adverse psychoactive effects like paranoia and anxiety.

Also, interesting users are warned about negative peyote experiences that many dubbed as a “bad trip.” According to reports, it’s when one encounters the side effects severely like extreme paranoia and anxiety, intense fear and confusion or terror.

Some experience time distortion and they feel trapped with the experience. However, it’s worth noting that both good and bad experiences are temporary and will be over once the body gets rid of the mescaline from the system.

Peyote Preparation

For your first peyote ceremony, you have to only eat a light meal, so the hallucinogenic plant can do its necessary work inside you. You also have to bring personal items or a family portrait for your altar. Yes, in the peyote ceremony, you will need to have your own altar.

Peyote Ceremony

Peyote ceremony or “meeting” is a specific healing ceremony. It aims to restore the balance between physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms. Aside from its sacred context. Peyote promises personal growth and development.

The use of peyote has evolved from just a religious context. The indigenous people use peyote to meet their God, but some people use it to attain life-changing insights and transformations which is impossible to achieve in prescription drugs.

Peyote ceremonies can last up to 10 hours and involve drumming, chanting and prolonged periods of sleeplessness.

So, yes, it can last up all night and it is led by a healer or roadman. There are also social and behavioral interventions.

In addition, it involves prayers and spiritual practices for specific purposes like prayer for health and well-being, spiritual guidance for making big decisions, and comfort or acceptance after the passing of a loved one.

The healing ceremony involves an individual who is sick. Everyone present has to pray for the person who is ill. Most of the time, the individual is undiagnosed.

The purpose of the ceremony is to know the illness of the person, so they can diagnose themselves. The individual acts as the “self perceptible object.”

“But if someone else, maybe a road man is telling you, [prior to the ceremony], this is the problem this is what’s wrong, then you tend to not believe them. It’s you, you got to work with your mind and your faith. That’s all it takes,” a member of the Navajo tribe warned.

The huge difference between peyote and ayahuasca ceremonies probably is the presence of children. In a peyote ceremony, you will see some children running around because they are part of the tradition and should not be expelled from it. Although most of them went to sleep before the ceremony even started.

Peyote is used to shed one’s ego and they don’t work on kids because they do not have an ego yet. During the ceremony, you will be given a peyote paste and peyote tea. The paste doesn’t really taste good and is more like a spoonful of bitter dirt. Between the two, tea was more doable.

Just like ayahuasca, several users find it useful for one to set up their intention before consuming the hallucinogenic plant to affirm their desire to learn.

Uses of Peyote

Peyote is a popular drug in Mexico. In the country, it is considered their “aspirin.” It is applied externally for rheumatism, wounds burns, snakebites, and skin diseases.

Dried peyote crowns or buttons are applied to a toothache. It can also be consumed in ceremonies.

Aside from topical applications, it can be steeped in hot water to make a peyote tea and be ingested to treat illnesses like tuberculosis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, intestinal issues, diabetes, and colds.

Peyote has been used for therapeutic purposes too. Some peyote ceremonies have also been used in the Native American Church to treat drug and alcohol addiction. Its effect on the serotonin system is similar to the treatment of substance abuse or drug addiction.

Its setting and social support inherited from the traditional ceremony help enhance its therapeutic effect. Some ceremonies feature a master guide, marathon group sessions, ego reduction techniques, social networks and focus on self-actualization.

As for the overall effect of peyote for therapeutic use, it is associated with a strong “afterglow” effect that may last for up to six weeks from the ceremony. Those who experience this reported feeling more joyful, more empathetic, less cravings, and more open to communication.

Due to this, those who have tried peyote want follow-up therapy sessions. According to those who struggled with depression, it also improved their mental struggles. A study from the University of Alabama discovered that mescaline could help reduce suicidal thoughts.

The researchers used data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health and learned that those who have used a psychedelic drug at least once in their lifetime have lower rates of suicidal thoughts.

A 2013 study(6)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747247/ also found that lifetime use of peyote or mescaline was significantly linked to a rate of agoraphobia and anxiety disorder where subject found their environment threatening.

What Is The Difference Between Peyote and Ayahuasca?

In general, both are plant medicine with hallucinogenic effects. Both are also used in religious ceremonies and in treating drug addiction, substance abuse, depression, trauma and other mental health disorder.

The DMT in ayahuasca and mescaline in peyote have similar side effects and risks too.

Despite the numerous similarities, there is a significant difference between the two — their main ingredients. Peyote is a cactus with mescaline producing hallucinogenic effects.

Meanwhile, ayahuasca is a combination of Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub.

The DMT from the vine creates the experience. Peyote is more likely to be used recreationally than ayahuasca. The latter is usually used in retreats led by shamans.

Aside from the aforementioned, they are similar in most aspects. Both substances are deemed medicinal plant that provides healing and spiritual enlightenment.

However, there are also some risks and precautions that one has to consider before taking either DMT or mescaline. There are numerous stories of ayahuasca and peyote worsening psychiatric symptoms, paranoia, physiological problems, high blood pressure and more.

DMT and mescaline are also considered Schedule I substances. They are deemed illegal drugs under federal law. The ayahuasca plant is not illegal per se, but its active ingredient, DMT, is banned and is in the same category as heroin and ecstasy.

Ayahuasca vs Peyote: Which is Better?

As mentioned above, ayahuasca and peyote have been used for similar purposes. Both are also used in religious ceremonies with chants and songs.

Despite the similarities, there are also distinct differences and I will categorize them, so it will be easier for you to decide which of the two drugs is better. I will do it this way, to help you decide because there is no easy way to pick the better one than considering the following factors.

1. Experience

When it comes to the experience — peyote is gentle compared to ayahuasca. For some, the latter is one, if not the most challenging psychedelic out there. Ayahuasca is very much intense compared to peyote and other drugs.

If you want an intense experience and you are not afraid to see the darkest side of you, ayahuasca is the way to go.

However, many said, it’s not for all. Most who appreciate their encounter with Mother Aya are those who have been called.

Even if some experience a “bad trip” with peyote, things are much worse with ayahuasca. Some claimed that they encountered the devil. The experience left them more terrified than enlightened, and more fearful than courageous.

However, a positive experience with ayahuasca can be life-changing. It can rewire your brain, end your addictive behaviors and depression, cut your bad habits, help you get over your trauma, and find joy and purpose in life. But as mentioned, ayahuasca can be so intense.

On the other hand, the effects of peyote are more manageable. It makes one feel high but the experience is more pleasant. In my own experience, it makes me want to dance, socialize with the people around me, and explore the world.

The spirit of peyote is much more gentle than ayahuasca. It was quite easy, felt natural and not forced, and the headspace was still there.

There were also visuals. I saw light, wavy patterns, different colors, a slight aura around things and more. But in general, it was pleasant.

Peyote didn’t offer me the deepest and most spiritual trip in my life, but it was surreal. It’s the best of both LSD and mushroom substances.

I remained clear-headed, happy, energetic. It’s like you are tripping but more in control and I love that about peyote.

If you are a beginner and you are completely new to hallucinogens, it’s best to start with peyote. But if you want an intense experience and are ready for it, ayahuasca is the way to go!

2. Effects

Although ayahuasca and peyote are different, they have similar effects on the body and brain. For instance, taking any of the two substances may result in seeing different visuals, hearing odd sounds, feeling euphoric or miserable.

However, as mentioned previously, the intensity may differ. Also, people who take ayahuasca or cactus experience increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. They also feel nauseous and usually lose their perception of reality.

Apparently, when people take any of the two, it’s like taking mescaline, LSD or other DMT drugs that could alter your mind and make you feel different. Fortunately, there are no long term negative effects reported from both substances.

3. Duration

One will usually experience the effects of ayahuasca and peyote after 20 minutes. Sometimes peyote takes more time to work and stays longer in the system.

Ayahuasca may last 5 to 8 hours, probably depending on how much you take. But peyote stays in your system for over 12 hours.

So, tripping with ayahuasca is likely to end earlier than peyote. But, if you love the effects of peyote, the longer it stays, the better.

As for ayahuasca, your body gets rid of it in a shorter time. According to psychiatrist John H. Halpern, an authority on psychedelics, this is also an advantage.

When ayahuasca is injected, its effect lasts less than an hour. So, it could be incorporated into relatively short therapeutic sessions.

4. Popularity

Ayahuasca is more popular than peyote. Thousands of Westerners travel to Iquitos, Peru, the epicenter of ayahuasca ritual tourism to experience the power of medicinal tea.

Ayahuasca tourism takes off in the late 90s. It has become a growing market because it helps bring money into the local communities in Peru.

According to Carlos Suárez Álvarez, author of “Ayahuasca, Iquitos and Monster Vorax,” 10 of the 40 biggest ayahuasca retreats in Iquitos nearly pull $8.7 million CAD annually by hosting foreigners, Verge reported(7)https://www.vergemagazine.com/articles/beyond-the-guidebook/2495-is-ayahuasca-tourism-safe-and-ethical.html#.

A 2018 study(8)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6182767/ about the trend in DMT and other tryptamine use among young adults in the United States reported an increase in prevalence over the years. The study could not conclude if the popularity if the use of DMT and other tryptamines is related to the booming popularity of ayahuasca in the United States.

However, it noted that ayahuasca was increasingly promoted online and in the media. Also, there are already numerous ayahuasca retreat centers in the country.

Peyote tourism is also a thing. Thousands of tourists travel to Real de Catorce, Mexico, to try the crown-shaped cactus.

Mexico’s largest indigenous groups, the Huichol Indians have been using peyote for thousands of years in ceremonies to communicate with their gods. They also introduced the power of the cactus to the Hopis and other North American tribes.

Consuming peyote is legal in San Luis Potosi. Thousands of tourists flock there to try the power of cactus which is okay as long as it’s not taken home because doing so will be considered trafficking and could lead to 10 years of imprisonment.

I included popularity because the more popular the substance or drug, the more sources you will find about it. Between the two, ayahuasca is more known and you can find more resources about it which will be helpful in your research.

5. Accessibility or Supply

Peyote and ayahuasca are both medicinal plants and have natural hallucinogenic substances. They can be found in nature, but due to the thousands of tourists that buy medicinal plants, there is already a shortage in supply.

The flock of tourists visiting Amazon to participate in ayahuasca ceremonies has led to a short supply of the plant.

The traditional shamans have to reach out further and further into the wild to cater to tourists who want to take the substance.

Maestros preferred older and thicker Banisteriopsis caapi vine because they are better. However, the vines used have become thinner and younger because they have to be harvested earlier to meet the demand.

Banisteriopsis caapi vine takes five years to mature. Meanwhile, the short supply of chacruna leaves have prompted others to use alternatives like huambisa and toé. However, the said substances can be deadly when in the hands of amateur curanderos.

Brazilian medicinal plants specialist Thiago Martins e Silva, who played a role in the regulation of harvesting and transporting ayahuasca ingredients was worried about deforestation as major threat to the wild stocks.

“Here, nobody pays to take ayahuasca,” he says. “What is sacred should not be for sale.”

Meanwhile, despite the shortage of supply of plants use in ayahuasca tea, Jerónimo Mazarrasa, secretary of the board of directors at the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education Research and Service, is confident that the market will eventually sort it out.

“While I concede that wild aya has probably been harvested to death in a larger and larger radius all around Iquitos, I am not too worried about ayahuasca supply altogether,” he said, per The Guardian(9)https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jan/24/tourist-boom-peru-ayahuasca-drink-amazon-spirituality-healing. “Economical plants don’t go extinct, ever. Humans don’t allow it.”

There is also a short supply of peyote. According to Vice(10)https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3jq5e/an-indigenous-mexican-people-are-battling-cartels-and-peyote-tourism, under Mexican law, only the Wixárika or Huichol can consume peyote legally. However, New Age enthusiasts stimulate the experience and partake in illicit peyote-based tourist trap in Real de Catorce.

Non-indigenous fixers offer tourists peyote and a place to trip. The indigenous pilgrims found the trend insulting because the plant is part of their identity.

“We’re upset that people come here and steal peyote because for us it’s a deity, not a drug,” said councilor Aukwe Mijarez. “It’s part of our identity and we respect it.”

Mijarez warned the insiders who tested their limit by illegally transporting the plant. According to him, they want the peyote cactus to be conserved because it’s part of their culture. However, “every year, it gets harder and harder to find.”

The locals were worried that peyote’s supply would run out and they would lose contact with their gods.
“If they exploit the spiritual center of our universe, we’ll become extinct,” he added.

6. Harvest Time

Peyote and ayahuasca have different harvest times. One takes much longer to mature and harvest.

As mentioned, ayahuasca tea has two ingredients — Banisteriopsis caapi(11)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banisteriopsis_caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis(12)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychotria_viridis (chacruna) shrub.

The leaves of chacruna and huambisa grow on bushes and can be ready for harvest in two to three years. However, the ayahuasca vine takes a minimum of five years to mature.

Unfortunately, Peyote is an extremely slow-growing plant. In the wild, it could take up to 30 years to grow the size of a golf ball and produce its flowers.

However, cultivated plants grow faster and may take less than three years to mature from a seedling to a flowering adult, according to Science Direct.

Meanwhile, according to Britannica, it can take 10- 30 years for the plant to mature before flowering. It has pink to white flowers in summer and the fruit ripens the following year.

Wrap Up

Ayahuasca and peyote have a number of similarities in terms of their nature of uses and effects. Both have psychoactive properties and may result in one experiencing hallucinations, vomiting and other adverse side effects. They also work in treating various health conditions and have been used by indigenous tribes for spiritual purposes. In modern times, people seek ayahuasca and peyote as an alternative solution to address drug abuse, addiction, trauma, and depression.

Check out Ayahuasca vs. all Other Psychedelics

Although they have similarities, they work differently. Ayahuasca delivers more intense effects than peyote. However, the latter stays longer in the system, up to 12 hours. In terms of harvest time, peyote takes longer to mature and harvest. Ayahuasca is made up of two plants but has a shorter harvest time.

Overall, it will probably not be that easy to decide which of the two is best for you because they offer the same benefits. However, their differences might make a considerable difference depending on your priorities. We hope this article will help you understand ayahuasca and peyote even more and help you choose which of the two psychedelic plants suits you the best. Here you can buy iowaska kit.


  • culturalsurvival.org/publications/cultural-survival-quarterly/ayahuasca-shamanism-shared-across-cultures
  • vergemagazine.com/articles/beyond-the-guidebook/2495-is-ayahuasca-tourism-safe-and-ethical.html#
  • banderasnews.com/0712/eden-luredbypeyote.htm
  • thethirdwave.co/psychedelics/peyote/
  • sites.coloradocollege.edu/indigenoustraditions/6-%E2%80%A2-independent-projects/peyote-in-native-american-traditions/


1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoamine_oxidase_inhibitor
2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N,N-Dimethyltryptamine
3 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/306889.php
4 https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/substance-abuse/ayahuasca/#
5 https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/mescaline
6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747247/
7 https://www.vergemagazine.com/articles/beyond-the-guidebook/2495-is-ayahuasca-tourism-safe-and-ethical.html#
8 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6182767/
9 https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jan/24/tourist-boom-peru-ayahuasca-drink-amazon-spirituality-healing
10 https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3jq5e/an-indigenous-mexican-people-are-battling-cartels-and-peyote-tourism
11 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banisteriopsis_caapi
12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychotria_viridis

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