Preparation Instruction for the Mimosa H. And B. Caapi Plant Self-Brewing kit
*This is for the people that ordered the self brewing kit in USA
There is a video on the brewing process: The difference is the B. caapi is in resin form. Tt’s the same concept, and can help you get a better idea on how to brew.

Method 1(simplified):
-Need 2 pots for this
-Use about 1.5 liter – 3 liter of water and 30-60mL vinegar for each brew(4 doses use lesser while 12 doses use more). You can also add additional water depending on the evaporation.
-One dose is 15grams mimosa and 50 grams b. caapi
- Add and combine both mimosa h. and b. caapi powdered into pot #1.
- Rolling boil for 3+ hours. Add additional water if needed.
- Filter out(squeeze the filter and keep the liquid) and separate the liquid from the solid. Might need to wait 30 minutes+ or leave it in fridge overnight for the residue to settle to bottom of pot.
- Keep the liquid(this is your ayahuasca) into pot #2. And rebrew the solid 2x while transferring the liquid into pot 2x.
- If you have too much liquid in the end, you can simmer(not boil) to decrease the liquid until your satisfaction. Then divide the total liquid into the doses.
Short storage ~7 days keep in fridge. Long storage ~months keep in freezer.
Better to heat up the tea, then cool down to drink.
Method 2:
The reason you want to brew separately is because it can be more effective if you take the b. caapi 30-60 minutes prior to taking the mimosa h. The b. caapi acts as a maoi so the DMT in mimosa can be orally digestible.
-You brew the mimosa 3 times. You brew the caapi 3 times.
-Each time you have to separate the liquid from the solid waste.
-You’ll need 4 pots.
-Use about 1.5 liter – 2 liter of water and 30-50mL vinegar for each brew(4 doses use lesser while 12 doses use more). You can also add additional water depending on the evaporation.
-One dose is 15grams mimosa and 50 grams b. caapi
- Get a pot, pour all the mimosa in there and add clean water. In addition, add vinegar. Heat it up to boil. If you think it’s going to overheat and not enough liquid left, then add water as needed. This brewing takes about 1-3 hours.
- Get another pot, pour all the Caapi in there and add clean water. In addition, add vinegar. Heat it up to boil. If you think it’s going to overheat and not enough liquid left, then add water as needed. This brewing takes about 1-3 hours.
- Once done with number step 1 and 2. Prepare 2 empty pot and cloth filters or coffee filter. Put the cloth on top of the empty pot, make sure it will hold the weight of the mimosa/caapi and the liquid of your first brew. When certain, pour the brewed mimosa/caapi into the cloth on top of the other pot. Squeezed it until you got all liquid out of the first brew. At this point you should have 4 pots; 2 pots containing the solid residue, and 2 pots containing the liquid. You keep the liquid and rebrew the solid residue. (If you’re unable to filter it, let it sit in the fridge overnight for the residue to settle to the bottom)
This sludge should be squeezed more for you can keep the liquid. It should look like this after filtering with no liquid left. - Do steps 1-3 2 more times.
- Add the caapi and mimosa liquid together. And discard the solid residue. 4 doses should have total of 200-400mL. 8 doses should have total of 400-800mL. 12 doses should have total of 600-1.2L. More or less is fine, just divide the total liquid by the the number of doses.